Happy buddha purnima images

Happy buddha purnima images

Buddha Purnima is a significant religious festival in the Buddhist tradition, as it marks the birth of Lord Gautama Buddha. On this day, people celebrate by attending special prayers, fasting and offering gifts to monks. People also share happy Buddha Purnima images, wishing each other love and peace on this joyous occasion.

Happy Buddha Purnima images often feature famous depictions of Lord Gautama Buddha’s life such as him meditating beneath the Bodhi tree or receiving enlightenment under its sheltering branches. Other popular images include those of him teaching his disciples seated in a lotus position or surrounded by various animals that he encountered during his journey towards enlightenment. Flowers are also used extensively in these images for their vibrant colors and powerful symbolism.

Happy Buddha Purnima images are shared not only as a way of celebrating the festival, but also to remind us of Lord Gautama Buddha’s teachings — that peace and harmony can be attained through self-discipline, serenity, compassion and kindness. May these images inspire us to lead our lives in accordance with his noble message! Wishing everyone a happy Buddha Purnima!

Author: Hare Krishna